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Let's go to Costco

Writer's picture: This Works Press SpeaksThis Works Press Speaks

by Kerry Zagarella

Yesterday I stood in a long line at Costco to purchase a membership. I live with my husband and do not need to purchase things in bulk. I do not need 2 dozen bagels, 3 trays of  coffee rolls, 100 biscottis or 22 eclairs; at Costco that is the smallest packaging option. Paper products don’t go bad, but where can any one person store 35 rolls of paper towels at a time; a small price for me to pay.  I did not join Team Costco out of a desire to shop and fill up my survivalist shelter (if I had one) with supplies to last me through a nuclear winter or the next zombie invasion. 

I joined the Costco team because of their stand on continuing their DEI policies in spite of aggressive pressure from the US government/Trump to shut down these fair and just employment practices. By upgrading my membership, and sending their corporate office  a thank you note, I feel empowered against the racist fascist regime threatening companies for doing this important work. 

What are white people afraid of? I ask that question as a white person who gets spooked by the random creaking floorboards in my house, or when my husband unexpectedly comes into the room (in my defense he was walking like Nosferatu).  I am a scaredy cat.  I can tell you without any reservations that  there is nothing to be afraid of when implementing  fair and just policies. DEI doesn’t mean hate white people, or that white people should feel shame, like many opponents claim it does. DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a term used to describe  programs and policies that encourage representation and participation of people from many walks of life. That's all it is, people. You might hear the same thing at church or any house of worship, unless of course it is the KKK you follow. 

I have spent many years engaged in social justice work, trying to learn and understand the impenetrable walls of systemic racism in our society. I co-founded study groups in my school district so educators could discuss the impact trauma, racism, and poverty have on a child’s education- all children. This study group met monthly and participated in book clubs, using state mandated standards to develop social studies lessons for each grade level. An example of one unit was the study of maps. In addition to grade level lessons we wrote a grant to replace our out of date 45 year old ripped up wall map in our school. This isn’t indoctrination  as the Conservative MAGA Right claims. It is simply education. All learning requires some discomfort, whether it be the strain of learning your multiplication tables  or the analysis of map making as it relates to history and who is in power at the time. Does the Gulf of America ring a bell? Mt. Denali? 

MAGA opponents claim teachers are using Critical Race Theory (CRT) to make white kids feel bad and responsible for our past mistakes. First, it is not true. I know this because I often led social justice group experiences and the goal was always to enlighten and inform not to make white kids or any kids  feel “less than”, evil  or responsible for history. More often than not, the students of color felt the discomfort of the harsh realities. As white teachers, our focus was  on how to make all students feel safe in these discussions. 

There continues to be a growing opposition to teaching the truth in educational institutions. Book banning and curriculum censorship is a growing tool of the MAGA crew. Opponents cleverly use the term Critical Race Theory (CRT) to induce fear and distract people from the truth.  When in fact, CRT is not even taught in elementary schools and originated at the upper college level for scholars to study the effects racism has on our communities. Please refer to this ABC report on the misuse of this term, if you would like to know more. Don’t be afraid, it's only information. 

We are in a cyclone of chaos. Everyday MAGA man attempts to destroy another American value. It's hard to keep up with his pardons, appointments, and childish proclamations. They have an effective strategy; I’ll give them that. Bombardment till we feel powerless. Many hard working folks are feeling the effects of this strategy; and I understand. Erin Brokovich, lawyer, environmental activist, and consumer advocate commented on the silencing of the masses. On Mark Maron’s podcast WTF episode 612, Erin shares her experiences with clients who have been beaten down by the power of corporate greed and the deadly impact of their careless disposal policies, often deeply harming the health and well being of regular folks. She reminds us that you cannot force depleted people to care, but you can only provide space and information. We must allow people permission to step out of the chaos and reboot, before returning, and that timeline will vary for each individual. 

So for all of my dear friends who need a break from the constant noise, take it. It is meant to drain you, don’t let it, take a break. But while you are taking a break, can I convince you to join Team Costco?  Let me tell you about the benefits. 

Costco is a leader in employee benefits. They have extensive healthcare benefits and room for advancement. Because of this Costco has a very low turnover rate of 8%, compared to the typical 60% of most retailers. Need a job with a future, look no further.

The eggs are cheap at Costco. If that is your main life’s concern.  I bought 24 organic, free- range eggs for less than $10. I have to have an omelette party soon.  The gas is cheaper too  for members, and you earn 2% back. Check out the membership benefits here.

Now, listen to this: I upgraded my Gold Star membership to the Executive level. Certainly, it helped that I had the extra $65.00 to spend. BUT, you get that back. Throughout the year you will earn 2% back on many of your purchases, including prescriptions and eye wear to name a few. AND, they have discounted pet insurance and pet prescriptions! At the end of the year you will get your rebate check, if it is less than the price of the executive upgrade you will be reimbursed. If your check comes in at $45.00, Costco will pay you  the additional $20. I can refer up to 3 people and each person who joins will get a $30.00 gift card and I will receive a $10.00 gift card. 

They actually think of everything at Costco, and I am so thrilled to be a member of this retail giant, where all people are welcomed. Even folks who don’t like DEI, but LOVE the savings! 

One more thing, I carelessly left my car keys in the driver side door and went shopping for about an hour. When I came back, they were there waiting for me. I don’t suggest testing the goodwill of a Costco parking lot, but it is there. 

Get yourself to Costco, we do not have to spend this time fighting against things that are unjust, instead, we can seek out the light and make it brighter. JOIN COSTCO and when you do tell them why. 

*Kerry Zagarella has no financial interests or stocks in the Costco company and does not benefit monetarily from this PSA. xoxo

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